TITLE(s): MANAGER, LAND LEASES-AND-RENTALS (petrol. & gas) Directs and coordinates recordkeeping activities concerning land leases, agreements, and contracts relative to petroleum company rights for drilling wells on public or private lands and producing gas and oil: Directs activities of workers engaged in keeping current files and records on terms, conditions, and expiration dates of land documents. Prepares reports on expiration dates, disposition of, and for renegotiation of existing contracts, leases, and agreements for use by management or other land department personnel. Coordinates activities of lease and rental section with activities of other sections of land department to ensure that files and records are current and that company is in compliance with terms and conditions set forth in documents. Requests title searches, procurement of deeds and affidavits, or other substantiating data to ensure legality of documents. May authorize payment of royalties, bonuses, or other compensation as provided for in terms and conditions of documents. May be designated according to activity directed as Manager, Contracts-And-Titles (petrol. & gas); Manager, Titles-And-Land-Records (petrol. & gas). GOE: 11.05.02 STRENGTH: L GED: R4 M4 L4 SVP: 7 DLU: 77 ONET CROSSWALK: 15011C Property Records Managers |
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CODE: 186.167-038 Buy the DOT: Download
Directs and coordinates recordkeeping activities concerning land leases, agreements, and contracts
relative to petroleum company rights for drilling wells on public or private lands and producing gas
and oil: Directs activities of workers engaged in keeping current files and records on terms,
conditions, and expiration dates of land documents. Prepares reports on expiration dates,
disposition of, and for renegotiation of existing contracts, leases, and agreements for use by
management or other land department personnel. Coordinates activities of lease and rental section
with activities of other sections of land department to ensure that files and records are current
and that company is in compliance with terms and conditions set forth in documents. Requests title
searches, procurement of deeds and affidavits, or other substantiating data to ensure legality of
documents. May authorize payment of royalties, bonuses, or other compensation as provided for in
terms and conditions of documents. May be designated according to activity directed as Manager,
Contracts-And-Titles (petrol. & gas); Manager, Titles-And-Land-Records (petrol. & gas).
GOE: 11.05.02 STRENGTH: L GED: R4 M4 L4 SVP: 7 DLU: 77
ONET CROSSWALK: 15011C Property Records Managers
© 1995 - 2015 Photius Coutsoukis and Information Technology Associates (All Rights Reserved). Revised 26-May-03