TITLE(s): MANAGER, ORCHARD (agriculture) Manages orchards: Directs and coordinates, through subordinate supervisory personnel, orchard activities, such as orchard development, irrigation, chemical application, and harvesting to ensure that company production goals are met. Evaluates oral and written reports and observes operations to monitor progress of work and to detect and resolve problems. Determines and authorizes alternative procedures to accommodate variables, such as weather conditions, water supply, stage of crop or tree development, and new legislation. Coordinates orchard department activities with those of engineering, equipment maintenance, packing house, and other related departments. Analyzes financial statements and makes budget proposals. May initiate personnel actions, interpret company policy, and enforce safety regulations. GOE: 03.01.01 STRENGTH: L GED: R5 M4 L5 SVP: 8 DLU: 86 ONET CROSSWALK: 79999K Agricultural Crop Farm Managers |
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MANAGER, ORCHARD (agriculture)
Manages orchards: Directs and coordinates, through subordinate supervisory personnel, orchard
activities, such as orchard development, irrigation, chemical application, and harvesting to ensure
that company production goals are met. Evaluates oral and written reports and observes operations to
monitor progress of work and to detect and resolve problems. Determines and authorizes alternative
procedures to accommodate variables, such as weather conditions, water supply, stage of crop or tree
development, and new legislation. Coordinates orchard department activities with those of
engineering, equipment maintenance, packing house, and other related departments. Analyzes financial
statements and makes budget proposals. May initiate personnel actions, interpret company policy, and
enforce safety regulations.
GOE: 03.01.01 STRENGTH: L GED: R5 M4 L5 SVP: 8 DLU: 86
ONET CROSSWALK: 79999K Agricultural Crop Farm Managers
© 1995 - 2015 Photius Coutsoukis and Information Technology Associates (All Rights Reserved). Revised 26-May-03