TITLE(s): STORY EDITOR (motion picture; radio-tv broad.) Selects and secures written material and supervises staff writers who prepare scripts to be used for television or motion picture productions: Reviews and evaluates writers' work developed during previous associations, samples presented by agents, and material received from other sources to select writers and subject material compatible with established styles, concepts, and formats. Recommends purchase of material judged to be suitable in developing scripts. Confers with production head regarding selection of writers and material. Hires, assigns, and supervises writers who prepare scripts for production. Reviews writers' work and gives instruction and direction regarding changes, additions, and corrections. Rewrites, combines, and polishes draft scripts, as necessary, to prepare scripts for production. Reads stories and other material obtained from various sources and evaluates potential for development into scripts. May assign staff members to write synopses, treatments, adaptations, scripts, and continuity when working on motion pictures. GOE: 01.01.01 STRENGTH: S GED: R6 M2 L6 SVP: 8 DLU: 77 ONET CROSSWALK: 34002F Programming and Script Editors and Coordinators |
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STORY EDITOR (motion picture; radio-tv broad.)
Selects and secures written material and supervises staff writers who prepare scripts to be used
for television or motion picture productions: Reviews and evaluates writers' work developed during
previous associations, samples presented by agents, and material received from other sources to
select writers and subject material compatible with established styles, concepts, and formats.
Recommends purchase of material judged to be suitable in developing scripts. Confers with production
head regarding selection of writers and material. Hires, assigns, and supervises writers who prepare
scripts for production. Reviews writers' work and gives instruction and direction regarding changes,
additions, and corrections. Rewrites, combines, and polishes draft scripts, as necessary, to prepare
scripts for production. Reads stories and other material obtained from various sources and evaluates
potential for development into scripts. May assign staff members to write synopses, treatments,
adaptations, scripts, and continuity when working on motion pictures.
GOE: 01.01.01 STRENGTH: S GED: R6 M2 L6 SVP: 8 DLU: 77
ONET CROSSWALK: 34002F Programming and Script Editors and Coordinators
© 1995 - 2015 Photius Coutsoukis and Information Technology Associates (All Rights Reserved). Revised 26-May-03