TITLE(s): CARDIOLOGIST (medical ser.) alternate titles: heart specialist Diagnoses and treats diseases of heart and its functions: Examines patient for symptoms indicative of heart disorders, using medical instruments and equipment. Studies diagnostic images and electrocardiograph recordings to aid in making diagnoses. Prescribes medications, and recommends dietary and activity program, as indicated. Refers patient to SURGEON (medical ser.) 070.101-094 specializing in cardiac cases when need for corrective surgery is indicated. May engage in research to study anatomy of and diseases peculiar to heart. GOE: 02.03.01 STRENGTH: L GED: R6 M5 L6 SVP: 9 DLU: 87 ONET CROSSWALK: 32102A Doctors Of Medicine (MD) |
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CARDIOLOGIST (medical ser.) alternate titles: heart specialist
Diagnoses and treats diseases of heart and its functions: Examines patient for symptoms indicative
of heart disorders, using medical instruments and equipment. Studies diagnostic images and
electrocardiograph recordings to aid in making diagnoses. Prescribes medications, and recommends
dietary and activity program, as indicated. Refers patient to SURGEON (medical ser.) 070.101-094
specializing in cardiac cases when need for corrective surgery is indicated. May engage in research
to study anatomy of and diseases peculiar to heart.
GOE: 02.03.01 STRENGTH: L GED: R6 M5 L6 SVP: 9 DLU: 87
ONET CROSSWALK: 32102A Doctors Of Medicine (MD)
© 1995 - 2015 Photius Coutsoukis and Information Technology Associates (All Rights Reserved). Revised 26-May-03