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Dictionary Of Occupational Titles Index

Following is a portion of the alphabetical index to the Dictionary of Occupational Titles (DOT) revised fourth edition, provided, as a public service, by ITA, makers of immigration software.


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zanjero (waterworks) 954.362-010
ZIGZAG-MACHINE OPERATOR (garment) 786.682-278
Zig-Zag-Spring-Machine Operator (metal prod., nec) 616.682-022
Zig-Zag Stitcher (boot & shoe) 690.682-082
ZINC-CHLORIDE OPERATOR (smelt. & refin.) 511.385-010
Zinc Etcher (print. & pub.) 971.381-014
zinc-plate grainer (print. & pub.) 972.682-010
ZINC-PLATING-MACHINE OPERATOR (electroplating) 500.485-010
ZIPPER CUTTER (button & notion) 616.685-090
zipper ironer (button & notion) 590.685-042
zipper joiner (button & notion) 734.687-074
zipper-lining folder (leather prod.) 690.685-178
ZIPPER-MACHINE OPERATOR (button & notion) 692.685-270
zipper measurer (button & notion) 734.687-094
zipper repairer (button & notion) 734.684-022
ZIPPER SETTER (any industry) 787.682-086
ZIPPER SETTER, CHAINSTITCH (garment) 786.682-282
ZIPPER SETTER, LOCKSTITCH (garment) 786.682-286
zipper-slide attacher (button & notion; garment) 734.687-078
ZIPPER TRIMMER, HAND (button & notion) 734.687-094
ZIPPER TRIMMER, MACHINE (button & notion) 692.685-266
zoo caretaker (amuse. & rec.) 412.674-010
ZOOLOGIST (profess. & kin.) 041.061-090
ZOO VETERINARIAN (medical ser.) 073.101-018

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Revised 2/14/97 email